In keeping with the theme of Inclusive Leadership often what acts as a barrier to progression and learning is a fear of the unknown or a fear of being ´called out ‘for the unknown or for making mistakes.
A key enabler to unblocking fear this for senior members of a business is to enable them to hear, feel and understand the experiences of marginalised and/or minority communities. The concept of reverse or mutual mentoring flips the organisational hierarchy and enables an open platform of sharing experiences free from the constraints of seniority or structure.
The sense of storytelling that evolves from this type of partnership can open people’s minds to a new way of thinking beyond what they already know with a common feeling from programme members that it created a realisation of blind spots and gaps in learning and awareness that they never normal would be the opportunity to explore.
By creating a safe space for sharing experiences, thoughts and views on topics through the lived or living experiences of colleagues at different levels, this form of relationship enables a form of learning, exploration and awareness that is tangible and often considered to be lifelong.
Internally both sides of the partnership benefit from exposure to a world inside of their business that is not part of their normal day to day working routines and together can actively explore themes and subjects that form part of our collective embracing of a feeling of inclusion for all with everyone having the opportunity to feel welcomed and like they belong in life and work.
While a programme like this won´t create a culture of inclusion in isolation it can be a fundamental part of a wider strategy leading to long term impact and positive outcomes. Realising success requires thought and alignment to the individual needs and workings of a business, it´s advisable to work with a partner who has experience in this area. If you want to find out more about this topic you can email and we can help you.”
by Garry Clarke-Strange