3 ways ALLME is contributing to National Inclusion Week 22

Taking place this year from Sep 26 – Oct 2 2022, National inclusion Week returns to celebrate inclusion and create an inclusive work environment for all, 

What is National Inclusion Week? 

National Inclusion Week (NIW) is a week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces. Founded by Inclusive Employers, National Inclusion Week is now in its 10th year.

How is ALLME contributing to this event?

This year’s theme is all about taking action and that is what we believe in doing here at ALLLME  

  1. Our conference: Diversity in Action, A virtual event for comms and HR professionals, will be taking place next November. 

Click here to book your tickets

November 7 – 11 2022!

Book your tickets now for early bird prices. 
Note we have special Solidarity Pass for those not employed, charity sectors and for students who are studying full time

Want to know more, or become one of our partners for #DiversityInAction 22?
Message us, we’d love to hear from you: info@aleaderlikeme.com 

  1. Our programs: Helping and supporting underrepresented women of colour progress further in their career and achieve their leadership goals through our FLIGHT program. 
  1. Our channels: At A Leader Like Me we believe that the conversation on DEI shouldn’t be limited to a day or a week of the year which is why we keep taking actions to support DEI globally through: our Amplifying Diverse Voices podcast, our DEI/EDI newsletter (RISE), The NEST community, as well as our blog and social media channels where we contribute to the DEI conversation worldwide. 

A Leader Like Me is an empowered community that supports underrepresented people to build courage and confidence in their work so they can continue to thrive. Our Nest Community is a safe and supportive environment for women* of colour. It includes monthly Insight Sessions to provide information and inspiration while our monthly Group Coaching creates a needed space for members to share their challenges and opportunities, failures and success authentically with leaders like them who share their workplace experience.
For more about us, visit: https://aleaderlikeme.com/

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