Diversity In Action 3 Key takeaways: How mindfulness can help cultivate a culture of belonging – Kareen Griffiths

photo of Kareen Griffiths with the Diversity In Action Logo (left) aleaderlikeme.com (bottom right)

Kareen Griffiths is a Mindfulness Speaker, Teacher and Founder of Calmify, delivering engaging, vibrant mindfulness sessions that help her audience to find calm and focus on what matters most in their personal and working life. 
With over 15 years experience helping individuals and organisations through change and improving communication. 
In her session on mindfulness Kareen has shared great advice.

Here are 3 key takeaways from her session:

1. Object focusing exercise: 

Kareen started off by sharing a great exercise that  helps you take your mind off stress.  
This exercise is simple. 

  • All you have to do is choose any object near you, hold it for a moment, try to notice something you haven’t noticed before. Try to relax your breathing and keep yourself in this moment don’t let your mind wander off. Keep feeling the object but also feel the space and silence around you without letting it distract you. In the end, ask yourself, how did you feel and what did you notice? Try this exercise to understand what mindfulness is. 

“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.”
(Jon Kabat-Zinn, 2004, p. 4).

2. The eight principles of mindfulness:

Whether you have practised mindfulness before or not, you’ve probably heard about it a lot.  According to Kareen, there are eight principles for mindfulness and they are:

Cultivating patience, beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving acceptance, letting go, gratitude, generosity, and being non-judgmental. 

In order to fully understand mindfulness, you have to know how to self-reflect on these principles. Which ones are you practising and which ones affect you the most? 

3. How to create a mindful workplace؟

Kareen has ended her session by sharing some great tips for creating a mindful workplace: 

1. Offer ‘taster’ sessions

2. Include a mindfulness module in leadership programmes

3. Rollout a mindfulness program and measure the impact

4.  Identify and train internal mindfulness champions on the techniques to support your organisation

5. Encourage a culture of connection and reflection

Source: Calmify

Want to learn more? 

Rewatch this session!
We did not want to spoil the full session for you as Kareen has shared some amazing ideas, tips and exercises. Don’t miss out! Click the link below to watch the full session as well as our other Diversity In Action sessions for one low price. 


Connect with Kareen:

LinkedIn: Kareen Griffiths 

Website: https://www.calmify.co.uk/ 

Twitter: @calmifyuk

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