“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
-Nelson Mandela
On July 18, we celebrate the International Mandela Day. Chosen by the United Nations in 2009, the date falls on the same day the former South-African President was born.
Facts about Mandela
Born in 1918, Nelson Mandela was a South-African activist who became the first black president of South Africa. He was the first president to be elected in a fully representative election. He also was one of South Africa’s first black lawyers.
Mandela was a strong advocate against racial segregation laws. His government focused on destroying the Apartheid government in the country.
Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for peacefully destroying the Apartheid regime and laying the foundation for democracy. In addition to the Nobel Peace Prize, he won over 250 other awards.
Mandela is considered the father of Modern South Africa. He was key in bringing down the oppressive government and installing democracy.
Mandela was imprisoned from 1962-1990 for treason and conspiracy against the government. During his imprisonment, Mandela became a symbol to rally behind for all the oppressed inside and outside of South Africa and although he was sentenced to life in prison, he was released when the ANC (African National Congress Party) became legal again.
After retirement from politics, Mandela started the Nelson Mandela Foundation that focused on combating HIV/AIDS and supported rural development and school construction.
International Mandela Day 2022: Take action, inspire change
“It is so easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.”
Nelson Mandela
On Monday's #MandelaDay & every day, Nelson Mandela's words inspire us to "ensure that democracy, peace & prosperity prevail everywhere". https://t.co/4iOUFODiZv pic.twitter.com/xjIAT4VH6E
— United Nations (@UN) July 18, 2022
Watch live as we celebrate #MandelaDay at UNHQ in New York with @AminaJMohammed, @UN_PGA, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex & more: https://t.co/bJ958vYbD0
— United Nations (@UN) July 18, 2022
The theme of this year’s #MandelaDay: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Nelson Mandela's legacy continues to inspire and show us all how one person can change the world for the better. pic.twitter.com/WFhZhyXhAz
— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) July 18, 2022
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