S3:E5: Breaking barriers, on equity and inclusion, Sharon Amesu 

“When we know our why, then we feel less the how.’ If I know why this is important, why it’s important for my organization, when I can connect, sit not simply with the business imperative, which is clear and proven, but also the moral imperative, when I know why, there is nothing that will stop me, I will find a way through.”

– Sharon Amesu 

In this episode, Priya and Advita are joined by Sharon Amesu, an exceptional advocate for inclusion with a background as a successful criminal barrister for 16 years.

Sharon, a multi-award-winning motivational speaker, executive coach and leadership enthusiast, shares insights into the challenges leaders face in creating more inclusive workplaces and offers a compelling perspective on equity versus equality.

Her work with “She Leads for Legacy,” a community focused on accelerating black women into leadership positions, highlights the importance of allies in driving positive change.

Get ready for a thought-provoking conversation on the why behind inclusion and the path to a more equitable world.

Want to learn more about Sharon?

Visit sharonamesu.co.uk/ 

Connect via LinkedIn 

Did you know? you can now order Priya and Advita’s new book Building a Culture of Inclusivity

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Stay tuned for weekly episodes of season 3 of Amplifying Diverse Voices.

Don’t miss out. Get your copy of the book now and be part of the DEI conversation.


Want to evaluate where your business stands when it comes to the EI?

Have any questions? Would you like to book Priya and or Advita for a speaking event? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@aleaderlikeme.com 

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Thank you for your continued support as we drive global DEI/EDI conversations forward.

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